Wuthering Waves Adjustment Announcement on June 3

Greetings, Drifters:

Hello everyone, we are the Narin Tide development team.

Since the open beta of Narin Tide, we have received a lot of valuable feedback and suggestions through community channels, social media, and in-game surveys. We sincerely thank all the Drifters for their attention and support.

As Kuros Game’s first fully self-developed and globally released game, the open beta version of Narin Tide has had several shortcomings and issues, resulting in many Drifters not having a good experience. We deeply apologize for this.

We are currently working on targeted optimizations and updates for the current version while simultaneously developing future versions. Here are answers to some of the most discussed issues:

1. Soulbone System Experience

(1) Heavy Soulbone Development Burden and Lack of Materials

We have received feedback about the high demand for Soulbone development and the inability to store Crystalline Shards. Here are our confirmed adjustment directions:

1. In the open beta version, we will launch the "Harmonic Cleansing" event, doubling Soulbone material drops for a limited time.

2. In version 1.1, we will adjust the values to reduce the Bead Coin consumption for Soulbone development.

3. In version 1.1, we will remove the animation for Silent Zone settlement.

4. Future events in version 1.1 and beyond will increase rewards for Soulbone and Soulbone development materials.

5. Future versions will add a Crystalline Shard storage feature.

(2) Item Output Anomaly When Recycling Developed Soulbones

1. Issue Explanation: On May 29, 2024, we discovered an online bug where recycling developed Soulbones produced abnormal Bead Coin outputs. This affected the fairness of Bead Coin acquisition. We urgently fixed this issue that night and issued compensation to all players.

To reduce the unfairness caused by this issue, we decided to deduct the extra Bead Coins obtained by affected players within 14 working days after issuing the compensation and explained the processing method via email. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the urgency of this fix.

2. Additional Compensation: To address the subsequent negative impact of our hasty handling of the issue, we will provide additional compensation based on the "maximum extra Bead Coin output from this bug" to all Drifters: 1,000,000 Bead Coins.

- Distribution Time: By 23:59 (UTC+8) on June 10, 2024

- Eligibility: Characters created before 10:00 (UTC+8) on May 30, 2024, with the mail function unlocked, can claim the compensation until 05:59 (UTC+8) on July 3, 2024.

We also apologize for the poor wording in our previous email. We will be more careful in handling future issues and provide additional compensation: 20 Crystal Solvents (1 Crystal Solvent = 60 Crystalline Shards).

- Distribution Time: 10:00 (UTC+8) on June 3, 2024

- Eligibility: Mail function unlocked, claimable until 05:59 (UTC+8) on June 28, 2024.

2. Five-Star Weapon Description Error

We found translation errors in the description of the five-star weapon "Azure Scale Barricade" in certain languages. We corrected these errors immediately and provided compensation to all Drifters. We are conducting a comprehensive review of all multilingual texts and will fix other textual issues in upcoming updates. We apologize and promise to improve our localization quality continuously.

Our lack of experience in global distribution led to these issues. To address this, we will provide compensation: 5 Casting Waves.

- Distribution Time: 10:00 (UTC+8) on June 3, 2024

- Eligibility: Mail function unlocked, claimable until 05:59 (UTC+8) on June 28, 2024.

3. Version Event Explanation

We received feedback regarding the duration and rewards of the event. We are revising the event specifications and reward plans. Here are the updates:

1. New Limited-Time Special Event: "Tidal Inquiry" Exploration Event

- Event Time: 10:00 on June 13, 2024, to 03:59 on June 27, 2024 (server time)

- Event Rewards: 800 Star Echoes, Formable Wave Level Soulbone I and II, Advanced Tuner, Advanced Sound Cylinder

2. Future Event Improvements: We will increase the production capacity and optimize the specifications, quality, and rewards of future events for better player experience.

4. Open Beta Version Time Explanation

The current content of the open beta has not met many Drifters' expectations. To allow players to experience more content and gameplay sooner, we will release additional content from the open beta version starting at 10:00 (UTC+8) on June 6, 2024. This includes the Resonator Yinyin's companion mission, Yinyin's character event, and other activities and gameplay.

- End of Open Beta 1.0: 05:59 (UTC+8) on June 28, 2024. Following maintenance, version 1.1, "Awakening on Soaring Mountain," will introduce new areas, Resonators, and bosses.

Due to this adjustment, we will compensate all Drifters: 10 Golden Wave Patterns.

- Distribution Time: 10:00 (UTC+8) on June 3, 2024

- Eligibility: Mail function unlocked, claimable until 05:59 (UTC+8) on June 28, 2024.

5. Combat and Control Experience Adjustments

We have received feedback on targeting, control, key customization, and combat feedback. Here are the confirmed adjustments:

(1) Poor Targeting and Camera Experience

- Update: The "Combat Camera Adjustment" feature on PC is now off by default, with optimized parameters.

(2) Bosses Leaving Combat Area

- Update: We have fixed the issue for certain bosses and added a "Combat Exit Warning" feature for future versions.

(3) Mobile Control Mistouches

- Update: Increased the edge detection range for buttons to reduce mistouches.

- Future: Further optimize mobile controls.

(4) Late Custom Key Function

- Update in 1.1: Lowered the unlocking conditions for "Custom Keys" to Sensation Level ≥ 2.

- Future: Add a tutorial for custom keys and support more custom settings for keyboard, mouse, and controller modes.

(5) Controller Mode Optimization

- Update in 1.1: Changed the controller shortcut key from "Open Chat" to "Open Map" and added a Y-axis inversion option.

- Future: Support controller mode on mobile.

(6) Combat Feedback

- Future: Continuously optimize hit feedback and combat sensation for characters and monsters.

6. Other Content Updates

(1) Store Purchase Limits

- Update: Added weekly purchase limits for certain items.

(2) Audio Bug Fixes

- Update: Fixed missing audio bugs and overly loud ambient sounds. Further optimizations will continue.

(3) Crashes and Performance Issues

- Update: Fixed many crash issues on certain devices. Other issues are being addressed.

(4) Deep Dive Wonderland Event Optimization

- Future in 1.1: Include more playable characters, new challenges, system mechanics, and enhancements.

We understand there are still many issues affecting player experience. We are committed to addressing feedback, optimizing, and resolving these issues to improve Narin Tide.

We will keep communicating updates and progress actively. We appreciate your continuous support and understanding.

Thank you for being with us,

The Narin Tide Development Team

Wuthering Waves Adjustment Announcement on June 3

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