Verina Build Guide | Wuthering Waves


Whenever a new gacha game like Wuthering Waves gets launched, there are only a few healing characters you can get. However, the value of these characters skyrockets during the early stages since you'd want to challenge some difficult content, but you need to have the means to stay alive in them.

Verina is a five-star Spectro standard healer who uses a Rectifier as her weapon. You can get her either by choosing her in one of the Beginner's Choice Convene banners or by randomly pulling her. and she'll be one of the most valuable characters to build.

Best Verina Weapons

Wuthering Waves Verina Weapon Screen

Comet Flare



Rectifier Of Voyager

After acquiring Verina on your account, the first thing you should look for is placing a good weapon for her to use. Thankfully, the most suitable weapons for Verina belong to the four-star rarity, with some of them being F2P friendly:

Verina Build Guide | Wuthering Waves

Verina Echo Guide

Wuthering Waves Verina Echo Screen

Having a proper echo build on a support character can be quite rough in Wuthering Waves, especially during the early game. This is due to the lack of echo EXP and tuners that you need to level these up. However, once you get the time to focus on her echoes, here are the sets and main enemies you should look for:

Verina Build Guide | Wuthering Waves

Echo Stat Priority

No matter which build you're having on Verina, your echo stats should still focus on getting as much sustainability out of her as possible. Here are all the main stats you should look for:

Verina Build Guide | Wuthering Waves

Best Team Members For Verina

Wuthering Waves Verina Team With Jiyan And Yangyang

Even after spending a ton of resources in building Verina, you won't be able to do much with just her since her damage is on the low side. You can have up to three team members at the same time in Wuthering Waves, so here are the other two synergistic units you can use:

Verina Build Guide | Wuthering Waves

Verina Forte Priority

Wuthering Waves Verina Forte Screen

Forte Circuit

Resonance Liberation

Intro Skill

Resonance Skill

With Verina being a support character, you'd want to invest as less resources into her as possible, unless you really like her design and want to max her out. While upgrading her forte/abilities, you should focus on her Circuit first as this will give you a ton of healing when you use the special Heavy attacks.

Follow this up by upgrading her Resonance Liberation since this also gives your team a significant amount of heal. If you're building Verina purely on support, you can stop after this. However, it's recommended to also upgrade her Intro Skill and Resonance Skill as these are necessary to use in her kit.

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