Wuthering Waves : Jianxin Build Guide


An 5★ Aero unit for Crowd Control and Tank. She’s useful in the open-world thanks to her ability to pull enemies towards one spot and deal AoE damage. She has an unique parrying mechanic where players can hold down Parry to counter an incoming attack at the cost of her Chi, when released Jianxin will generate a temporary shield for and heal the active character for that duration.

Skill Priority

1.Forte Circuit

2.Resonance Liberation

3.Resonance Skill

4.Intro Skill

5.Basic Attack

Recommended Weapons

Wuthering Waves : Jianxin Build Guide


Wuthering Waves : Jianxin Build Guide

Recommended Sub Stats

1.Energy Regen%

2.Crit Rate = Crit DMG

3.ATK% = ATK

Echo Options

Wuthering Waves : Jianxin Build Guide
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