Understanding the Sonorous System in Wuthering Waves


Obtaining Resonance Fragments

After defeating monsters in the open world of "Mingchao," there's a chance to obtain resonance fragments.

Resonance fragments come in different qualities: green, blue, purple, and gold.

To obtain higher-quality resonance fragments, players need to increase the level of their Data Repository.

Each level-up increases the drop rate of resonance fragments. Levels 1-4 drop green fragments, 5-7 drop blue, 8-14 drop purple, and level 15 and above drop gold.

The Data Repository level can be increased by collecting resonance fragment entries.

When obtaining a different quality fragment for the first time, players earn Data Repository experience.

For example, getting a green resonance fragment for the first time grants 10 experience points. Subsequently, obtaining a blue fragment for the first time also grants 10 experience points.

If a player directly obtains a high-quality fragment without obtaining lower-quality ones first, all previous rewards are unlocked at once.

Equipping Resonance Fragments

Resonance fragments correspond to a special system called the COST system.

Each resonance fragment has a COST value: 4 for boss-level, 3 for elite, and 1 for normal monsters.

Players can equip up to 12 COST points of fragments across five slots.

Two common setups are 44111 (two boss-level fragments, three normal) and 43311 (one boss, two elite, two normal), totaling 11 and 12 COST points, respectively.

Different setups yield different attribute focuses based on the fragments' primary attributes.

Enhancing Resonance Fragments

Green fragments can reach level 10, blue can reach 15, purple can reach 20, and gold can reach 25.

Higher levels provide greater primary attribute bonuses.

Every 5 levels (5-10-15-20-25), an additional secondary attribute is unlocked randomly.

Secondary attributes include various percentage and numerical bonuses related to attack, defense, health, and damage types.

Once unlocked, secondary attributes cannot be changed, making it challenging to obtain a perfect resonance fragment.

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