Diablo 4 | What are the current highest damage builds in the game, any class?


Just curious who is top of the dps charts these days. If damage was all that mattered, which class is pumping the highest numbers and with what build?

Minion necro is busted. The golem is like having a tiny butcher who whacks people for you.

And sometimes he decides that the lone imp is more important than the 3 elites chasing me

Since I've got my move speed over 150% the minions are really lagging behind, have to stop and let them run in front to engage but sometimes they just don't attack.

Or I'll have them engaged and turn to get more space from the mobs and the golem will disengage and run to me. Come on friend, hit the enemies.

If its not obvious (cause it wasn't for me at the start) you can aim your Golem's Skill with the mouse target (and shift click it if therse no mobs there) meaning you can send the Golem wayyyy out in front if you want before you engage a pack.

Hes still dumb at times though. Do Tormented Duriel and watch him run in circles around the holes.

This is going to sound pathetic...

I've been doing NM 100s in under 5 min w my nec min build. First season I've played in D4 (only played druid on release and then quit). Today I did the pit and blew thru a 55 with 11 min remaining. I haven't pushed yet bc of my IRL time constraints.

Here's the kicker...TIL golem has an on-use skill.....holy moly. I can't wait to get off work.

Diablo 4 | What are the current highest damage builds in the game, any class?

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