How to Farm Greater Affixes in Diablo 4 (D4)


This is a guide to getting the most Greater Affixes and the most efficent way to get the best gear with Greater Affixes in Diablo 4 (D4).

How to Farm Greater Affixes in Diablo 4 (D4)

1. Defeat Blood Maidens

How to Farm Greater Affixes in Diablo 4 (D4)

- The most effective method to obtain legendary gear with Greater Affixes is by defeating Blood Maidens. These formidable foes can be summoned using 3 Baneful Hearts or by joining battles with other players already engaging them. Note that the more Baneful Hearts offered, the better the loot rewards, so coordinate with other players for increased chances of obtaining gear with Greater Affixes.

- Recommendation: Participate in group hunts or join Blood Maiden encounters during Helltides for multiple legendary drops and increased chances of obtaining gear with Greater Affixes.

2. Explore Tier 46 or Higher Nightmare Dungeons

How to Farm Greater Affixes in Diablo 4 (D4)

- Tier 46 or higher Nightmare Dungeons feature level 100+ enemies, resulting in gear drops with an item power of 925. Clear these dungeons swiftly for more opportunities to acquire top-tier gear with Greater Affixes.

3. Defeat Uber Bosses

How to Farm Greater Affixes in Diablo 4 (D4)

- Uber Bosses possess unique loot tables, including gear with Greater Affixes and Uniques. Make defeating Uber Bosses a regular part of your gameplay to secure the best Uniques for your build.

Tips for Efficiently Farming Greater Affixes

1. Fight Against Level 100 Enemies

- Although not mandatory, prioritize battling enemies above level 100 when farming for Greater Affixes. This ensures drops with 925 item power, maximizing the potential of Greater Affixes to enhance gear affixes by 1.5x.

- Tip: Higher-level enemies guarantee better affixes, resulting in more potent gear upgrades.

2. Observe Gear Affix Icons

How to Farm Greater Affixes in Diablo 4 (D4)

- Gears with Greater Affixes will display additional icons beside their name, indicating the presence of two or more Greater Affixes. Keep an eye out for gear with multiple icons to maximize your chances of obtaining gear with three Greater Affixes for optimal performance.

- Note: Identifying gear with multiple icons beforehand streamlines the process of farming for top-tier gear.

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