How to Get Resplendent Spark in Diablo 4 (D4)


Resplendent Spark serves as a unique salvage material essential for crafting Uber Uniques in Diablo 4 (D4).

Resplendent Spark Overview

How to Get Resplendent Spark in Diablo 4 (D4)

How to Obtain Resplendent Spark

Salvage Uber Unique Items

How to Get Resplendent Spark in Diablo 4 (D4)

Resplendent Sparks are acquired by salvaging any Uber Unique items at the Blacksmith. However, keep in mind that this process is irreversible, and you will receive only one Resplendent Spark per salvage. Therefore, be certain you're willing to part with your Uber Unique items, as they are exceptionally rare and challenging to come by.

Tormented Uber Bosses: Defeating a Tormented Uber Boss for the first time guarantees the acquisition of a Resplendent Spark. This reward applies to whichever Tormented Uber Boss you defeat first.

Season 4 Questline: Progressing through the new Season 4 Questline rewards you with a Resplendent Spark upon completion. Successfully complete the questline to claim your Resplendent Spark reward.

First Time Uber Lilith Reward: Emerging victorious against Uber Lilith for the first time also grants a Resplendent Spark. Ensure you're prepared with your best build or character, as Uber Lilith poses one of the greatest challenges in the game.

How to Use Resplendent Spark

How to Get Resplendent Spark in Diablo 4 (D4)

Crafting at the Alchemist: Resplendent Sparks are utilized at the Alchemist for crafting Uber Unique items. These crafted items are available for all classes. Presently, it is not possible to craft Uber Uniques tailored to specific classes. Refer to the updated list below for the current Season's craftable Uber Uniques.

List of Craftable Uber Uniques For Season 4

How to Get Resplendent Spark in Diablo 4 (D4)
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