Genshin Impact | Guide to the 4.6 Windblume Mazes Event


Title: Guide to the Windblume Mazes Event in Genshin Impact 4.6

Event Duration:

May 14, 2024, 10:00 AM - May 27, 2024, 3:59 AM

Participation Requirements:

Adventure Rank 20 or above

Event Rewards:

During the first six days of the event, a daily limit of 1000 Mystery Tokens will be unlocked for collection through either token gathering or completing Strategy Challenges to receive corresponding rewards.


Event Overview:

In the Windblume Mazes: Strategy's Game, players will take on the roles of Rangers and Hunters. Hunters have increased mobility speed and reduced stamina consumption.

Both parties can use Windblume Skills. Hunters can use their skills to detect the positions of Rangers and expose their disguises, while Rangers can disguise themselves as specific objects on the map, set traps, or temporarily become invisible.

When a Ranger is captured for the first time, they are confined to the Surveillance Zone for a period. Other Rangers can visit this zone to help free the imprisoned Ranger. Once a Ranger has been captured once, they are eliminated from the game if caught again.

Each Prowling Ground contains six Transmitters. While within the repair range of a Transmitter, Rangers cannot remain disguised or invisible. To win, Rangers must repair four out of six Transmitters while evading Hunters. Hunters, on the other hand, need to prevent repairs or eliminate all Rangers.

Once repaired, Transmitters enter a High-Speed Transmission state, emitting visible light and an indicator on the mini-map. Multiple Rangers can repair the same Transmitter.

Players can choose which Prowling Ground to match with on the event page.


In this iteration of Windblume Mazes: Strategy's Game, players earn Mystery Tokens when participating solo or with up to two friends. Playing with three friends or reaching the daily token limit will no longer grant tokens.

With the addition of the Transmitter mechanic, the strategic focus of both teams revolves around them. The following analysis of available Windblume Skills will help you choose the best fit for your playstyle.

Ranger Skills:

1. Stealth Beacon

- Skill Description: Places a Stealth Beacon that keeps the Ranger invisible while within its range, undetected by Hunters until the beacon is destroyed or the Ranger enters the Transmitter's repair range. If a Hunter uses Capture! on the beacon, their vision is impaired for a short time. Cooldown: 45 seconds.

- Skill Analysis: This skill requires strategic positioning and is suitable for repairing Transmitters. In this event, it may not be as powerful as previous stealth-based modes, but it can still aid in escaping after a repair location is exposed or during relocation and evasion.

2. Transparency Illusion

- Skill Description: Temporarily goes invisible for 5 seconds, remaining undetected by Hunters. Entering invisibility cancels the current disguise. Hunters' Capture!, Mysterious Premonition, and Sensing Halo still affect invisible Rangers. The invisibility effect is temporarily disabled when entering a Transmitter's repair range. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

- Skill Analysis: More versatile than Stealth Beacon, this skill suits players who want to control Hunters. A smooth combo of invisibility, directional changes, and disguise can effectively shake off pursuit in most situations.

Hunter Skills:

1. Snapshot Beacon

- Skill Description: Deploys a Snapshot Beacon on the ground that lasts 30 seconds. When a Ranger enters the beacon's area, it activates, alerting the Hunter. Activated Rangers cannot enter a disguised state for a short time. Up to two Snapshot Beacons can exist simultaneously in a game. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

- Skill Analysis: Focusing on tracking, Snapshot Beacon is recommended over other alternatives since Hunters must also prevent Transmitter repairs. By monitoring three consecutive Transmitters and placing beacons nearby, Hunters can effectively limit Ranger repairs and escapes.

Other notable Hunter skills for controlling the game include Invisible Pursuit and Shackled Curse.

1. Invisible Pursuit

- Skill Description: Removes your position marker from all Rangers' mini-maps and indicates the location of the nearest free-moving Ranger. During the 30-second duration, Hunters gain a movement speed boost and Capture! cooldown is significantly reduced.

- Skill Analysis: The speed boost and cooldown reduction enhance the ability to defend key Transmitters.

1. Shackled Curse

- Skill Description: Randomly exposes a Ranger's disguise and restrains them for 40 seconds. The target cannot leave the restrained area, and the Ranger team receives a warning.

- Skill Analysis: As tracking becomes less significant, control abilities like Shackled Curse are crucial for Hunters.



Title: Guide to the Windblume Mazes Event in Genshin Impact 4.6

Event Duration:

May 14, 2024, 10:00 AM - May 27, 2024, 3:59 AM

Participation Requirements:

Adventure Rank 20 or above

Event Rewards:

During the first six days of the event, a daily limit of 1000 Mystery Tokens will be unlocked for collection through either token gathering or completing Strategy Challenges to receive corresponding rewards.


Event Overview:

In the Windblume Mazes: Strategy's Game, players assume the roles of Rangers and Hunters. Hunters boast faster movement speed and reduced stamina consumption.

Both sides can employ Windblume Abilities. Hunters can utilize these abilities to detect Rangers' positions and uncover disguises, whereas Rangers can disguise themselves as specific map objects, lay traps, or temporarily turn invisible.

Upon their initial capture, Rangers are confined to the Surveillance Area for a period. Other Rangers can visit this area to assist in freeing imprisoned teammates. Once a Ranger has been captured once, they are eliminated upon subsequent captures.

Each Prowling Terrain consists of six Transmitters. While within a Transmitter's repair radius, Rangers cannot remain camouflaged or invisible. To triumph, Rangers must repair four of the six Transmitters while evading Hunters. Hunters, conversely, must hinder repairs or eliminate all Rangers.

Once repaired, Transmitters enter a High-Speed Transmission phase, emitting visible light and a marker on the mini-map. Multiple Rangers can repair the same Transmitter.

Players can select the Prowling Terrain for matching via the event page.


In this edition of Windblume Mazes: Strategy's Game, Mystery Tokens are earned by participating solo or with up to two friends. Playing with three friends or reaching the daily token limit excludes further token acquisition.

With the introduction of the Transmitter mechanism, the gameplay emphasis for both factions centers around them. The following breakdown of available Windblume Abilities will guide you in selecting the optimal choice for your playstyle.

Ranger Abilities:

1. Stealth Beacon

- Ability Description: Deploys a Stealth Beacon that keeps the Ranger invisible within its vicinity, undetected by Hunters unless the beacon is destroyed or the Ranger enters the Transmitter's repair range. If a Hunter uses Capture! on the beacon, their vision is impaired momentarily. Cooldown: 45 seconds.

- Ability Analysis: This ability necessitates tactical placement and is fitting for repairing Transmitters. In this event, it might not be as potent as prior stealth-based modes, but it can still facilitate escape after a repair site is exposed or during relocation and evasion.

2. Transparency Illusion

- Ability Description: Temporarily turns invisible for 5 seconds, remaining undetected by Hunters. Going invisible cancels the current disguise. Hunters' Capture!, Mysterious Premonition, and Sensing Halo still affect invisible Rangers. Invisibility is temporarily disabled when entering a Transmitter's repair range. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

- Ability Analysis: More adaptable than Stealth Beacon, this ability suits players who aim to control Hunters. A seamless combination of invisibility, direction changes, and disguise can effectively evade pursuit in most scenarios.

Hunter Abilities:

1. Snapshot Beacon

- Ability Description: Places a Snapshot Beacon on the ground that persists for 30 seconds. When a Ranger enters the beacon's area, it activates, notifying the Hunter. Activated Rangers cannot enter a disguised state briefly. Up to two Snapshot Beacons can exist concurrently in a game. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

- Ability Analysis: Focusing on tracking, Snapshot Beacon is favored over other alternatives, as Hunters must also impede Transmitter repairs. By surveilling three consecutive Transmitters and deploying beacons nearby, Hunters can efficiently restrict Ranger repairs and escapes.

Other noteworthy Hunter abilities for exerting control over the game include Invisible Pursuit and Shackled Curse.

1. Invisible Pursuit

- Ability Description: Conceals your position marker from all Rangers' mini-maps and indicates the position of the nearest unhampered Ranger. During the 30-second duration, Hunters gain a movement speed boost and Capture! cooldown is significantly shortened.

- Ability Analysis: The speed boost and cooldown reduction augment the capacity to defend vital Transmitters.

1. Shackled Curse

- Ability Description: Randomly reveals a Ranger's disguise and restrains them for 40 seconds. The target cannot leave the restricted area, and the Ranger team receives a warning.

- Ability Analysis: As tracking loses significance, control abilities like Shackled Curse become crucial for Hunters.

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