Legend Of Mushroom: Class Tier List


In Legend of Mushroom, you have to tirelessly fight against endless waves of monsters with the help of your mushroom character. As you progress through the stages, the enemies become tougher and so does your character. After reaching a certain level, you can also evolve your mushroom into a stronger being.

As you evolve your mushroom, you’ll be presented with a choice regarding which class you want to choose for it. Each class has its strengths and weaknesses, and making the right choice as a beginner can be very confusing. To help you with that, here’s a comprehensive tier list for every class in Legend of Mushroom.

Legend Of Mushroom: Every Class Tier List

Character evolution classes in Legend of Mushroom.

When you reach levels 30, 60, 80 and 100, you’ll have to evolve your mushroom into a specific class character that specializes in certain skills. Currently, there are 27 classes in the Legend of Mushroom, which you can choose for your mushroom to strengthen it into a monster-killing machine.

Progressing through character evolution costs a lot of resources , so you should start evolving your mushroom only after you’ve made up your mind. Stick to the evolution path instead of changing midway to save valuable resources.

Here's a tier list for every class in Legend of Mushroom and which ones you should focus on reaching:

Legend Of Mushroom: Class Tier List

When you first start as a Shroomie, you'll first need to choose from the three main classes: Swordsman, Archer or Mage, which will determine which character you can build in the later stages of the game.

Legend Of Mushroom: S-Tier Classes

S tier classes in Legend of Mushroom showing the Berserker, Sacred Hunter and Martial Sage.

The S-tier consists of the best classes you can choose in Legend of Mushroom. These are the best choices if you want to clear late-game stages quickly. Here are classes in this tier and why you should pick them:

Berserker:Best level 80 melee class with a great combination of Defense and counter damage. Can clear most stages with ease and also fit for events.

Martial Sage: The best melee awakened class. It has great defense and counter-damage stats and even adds a shield that protects it from taking damage. Try to unlock him if you want to follow a melee classpath.

Darklord: Another awakened mage class and one of the best DPS classes in the game. If you add high-crit chance equipment, you can clear any stage with ease and one-shot every enemy with active skill.

Prophet: An awakened class evolving from the Holy Guide. One of the best CC classes in the game with sufficient HP regen to survive any stage. Skills can even break defense and significantly reduce skill CDs to make you almost immortal.

Sacred Hunter: A strong awakened class succeeding the already good Shadow Hunter class. It deals combo damage along with high critical damage, allowing you to shred through any enemy in seconds.

Plume Monarch: Another awakened ranged class, but weaker than the other classes in this tier. It deals multi-shot damage, which is almost guaranteed to hit because of high Ignore Evasion stats. Great against evading enemies in late-game.

Legend Of Mushroom: A-Tier Classes

A tier classes in Legend of Mushroom showing the Bishop, Shadow Hunter and Warbringer classes.

The A-tier consists of great classes, which are great for selective events and most late-game stages. They have decent skills and require a bit of strategy to be on par with the better classes. Here are classes in this tier and why you should pick them:

Bishop: A decent level 100 class that can provide enough CC and Damage to clear most mid and late-game stages with ease. It becomes even better if you invest in some good equipment.

Warbringer: An awakened class evolving from War Monger. Useful for single-target events but not great against enemy waves in the late game. High attack stats but lacks survivability.

Axe Warrior: A level 60 melee class that’s good for early and mid-game stages. It has great attack and defense to survive most events as well.

Swordsman: Another level 60 melee class similar to the Axe Warrior. It has better attack stats than Axe Warrior and even deals Counter damage, but it falls short in defense.

Shadow Sniper: The only useful level 60 range class that can carry you through to late game. It deals great damage but is quite dependent on good equipment.

Shadow Hunter: A level 100 ranged class, which you should directly evolve from Shadow Sniper. It deals sufficient damage to clear most stages and events but needs support equipment.

Warmonger: A level 100 melee class before reaching Warbringer. Similar in most aspects to the Warbringer, but deals counter damage from active skill.

Legend Of Mushroom: B-Tier Classes

B tier classes in legend of mushroom showing the spellcaster, shooter and claymore wielder classes.

The classes in the B-tier are decent overall but fall off in later stages. Here are classes in this tier and why you should pick them:

Claymore Wielder: A level 80 melee class evolving from the Swordsman. It is useful in midgame stages, but damage isn’t sufficient in the late game.

Sharpshooter: Another level 80 class with ranged damage. This class heavily relies on crits and ignore defense stats to become useful. It requires a lot of resources and good equipment to be viable.

Healer: A level 60 class evolving from the mage. One of the few classes that can self-heal HP. But, it cannot regen sufficiently in the mid to late-game stages.

Dual Crossbower: A level 80 class similar to the Sharpshooter. It isn’t useful before reaching level 100.

Spellcaster: Level 60 class that evolves from the mage. It requires heavy investment to be considered useful.

Adventurer: Basic level 15 class. Good enough for the early stages.

Wind Crossbower: Level 60 ranged class that is good in early stages and events but isn’t feasible to use in mid-game for its low HP and Defense.

Legend Of Mushroom: C-Tier Classes

C tier classes in Legend of Mushroom showing Shroomie, Mage and Archer class.

The C-tier classes are not the best picks as they aren’t equipped with good skills. Some of these classes are viable in early to mid-game stages but aren’t usable in most late-game stages. Here are the classes in this tier:

Archer: Basic level 30 class with low HP and Defense stats.

Shroomie: The starting class has no skills. It's unusable after a few stages.

Chronomancer: Advanced level 80 class with Stun and CD reduction skills. It lacks damage and cannot survive in mid-game stages.

Storm Priest: An advanced level 80 class evolving from Spellcaster, similar to Chronomancer.

Holy Guide: A level 100 class evolving from the Chronomancer. The main class skill doesn’t deal much damage, and passive skills aren’t useful.

Arrowgod: A level 100 class evolving from Dual Crossbower. The overall usability is the worst among other classes of this level because of very low HP. Heavily reliant on Evasion and Summons to survive.

Mage: Basic level 30 class that doesn’t have good evolution before level 100. Clearing the stages becomes more difficult with this class.

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