How to get and farm Yao Shrub in Warframe


Getting everything you need from Duviri in Warframe takes a long time. Not only do you have all the level-ups you need to do for your Drifter, but there are plenty of secrets, weapons, and resources to collect to help further your journey outside of Duviri. This can be grindy, but if you’re playing this game, you know what you signed up for. Here’s how to get and farm Yao Shrub in Warframe.

How to get and farm Yao Shrub in Warframe

Where to get Yao Shrub in Warframe

Warframe Yao Shrub Spawn Location
Image via Destructoid.

Yao Shrubs are found in the southern areas of Duviri, where a lot more snow covers the ground. More specifically, locations like the Netherbarrow Crossing, Titan’s Res, and Fort Wyrmsoul tend to spawn Yao Shrubs. These seem to be far more common on the surface, so you can avoid the caves unless you’re feeling lucky. You’re looking for small plants that look like purple mushrooms, which can be hit to get a small handful of Yao Shrubs.

Each plant should give you anywhere between 3-5 Yao Shrubs, which can be increased to 6-10 if you have an active Resource Booster. I wouldn’t advise getting a Resource Booster specifically to farm Yao Shrubs, but if you have one already active, it’s a nice way to reduce farming time.

What are Yao Shrubs used for?

Yao Shrubs are used in crafting for only a few items, but these items are certainly important. Here’s the full list, alongside how many Yao Shrubs you’ll need for each:

Azothane – 40 Yao Shrubs

Atomos Incarnon Genesis – 70 Yao Shrubs

Dual Toxocyst Incarnon Genesis – 70 Yao Shrubs

Despair Incarnon Genesis – 70 Yao Shrubs

Furis Incarnon Genesis – 70 Yao Shrubs

Lex Incarnon Genesis – 70 Yao Shrubs

Zylok Incarnon Genesis – 70 Yao Shrubs

Cinta Upper Limb – 40 Yao Shrubs

If you want to build one of everything listed above, you need 500 Yao Shrubs. As for prioritizing, you should focus on the Azothane and Cinta Upper Limb first since these lead to some extra Mastery down the line. The Incarnon Genesis forms can then be tackled on a case-by-case basis since you need to unlock the forms first anyway.

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