Manor Lords | How to Start First Year


The first year of development in “Manor Lords” is very important. Players can develop import and export trade in the early stage, and early planning is very important. How to develop quickly in the first year of “Manor Lords”?

Manor Lords | How to Start First Year

“Manor Lords” First Year Quick Development Guide

Key point: The first talent point is coal, then go to trade, and later go to trade flow.

Prioritize the logging camp, there is a shortage of wood in the early stage, the initial capital can plant a carrot, the rest is left to buy trade lines in the exchange. There is no need to buy cattle in the early stage, it’s not that urgent, money makes money to grow quickly.

Early planning building priority

Logging camp

Hunting, berries, warehouse

Market, well, granary, five castles in the early stage

Sawmill, charcoal kiln, leather factory

Church, spare castle, exchange, upgrade to second-level house (prepare small houses to make shoes)

After the five houses are built, the village scale will be upgraded, the first talent point is coal, and then go to build a charcoal kiln.

The big house is used to plant carrots, the small house is used to do other things, the backyard has one sheep and one shoe, raising chickens, and carrots occupy half of the households in total. Basically, after the church is built, you can directly upgrade the castle, pay attention to prioritize the upgrade of the inhabited ones.

After upgrading two castles, you can upgrade again, the highest point of the trade route is 25, used to prepare for selling others, the most important thing is to get the next talent point, import -10, the same price for import and export, it’s too key.

Population arrangement

Three people in the logging camp in the early stage, slowly reduce to one person after the subsequent buildings are built

Hunting has always been one person

Firewood, one person in the early stage, switch to burning coal after the coal is built, when the warehouse is good, it can be put in the warehouse to carry goods

Flexible population first collect berries, 50 in the early stage is enough for the early stage, when the warehouse is good, it can be put in the warehouse to carry goods, wait for the sawmill to make planks to build the church, and then go to the leather factory to make clothes

Construction, leading cattle, establish a castle, pay attention to the flow of the backyard position, the big one is used to plant carrots, the small one is used to open a workshop, raise chickens and sheep

Before the first population comes, after stabilizing the public sentiment 50+%, establish an exchange, after it comes, put it in the exchange to sell coal, clear the warehouse to sell carbon, money can buy a cow, raise a sheep in the backyard, one to make shoes, and then It’s raising chickens and planting carrots

To achieve the above, four foods in the first year, two clothes, wooden church, water, no shortage of firewood, the backyard is basically opened.

Then the population first digs some stones, then digs mud, makes tiles, makes planks, tiles and planks, prepares a second-level church, makes tiles and digs mud can also be sold, the arrangement of planting trees, two houses one gives the logging camp, one gives Cut firewood.

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