Manor Lords | The Best Way to Farm


How to farm in “Manor Lords”? Some players are not very clear about this farming method. So, in the following guide, we will bring you a detailed introduction to the farming method in “Manor Lords”. Let’s take a look together.

Manor Lords | The Best Way to Farm


Without a farmhouse, villagers will not farm the land. We need to set the number of farmers in the farmhouse.

In the advanced page, we can set the work range, the priority of threshing wheat, and check the number of farmers living far away.


You can freely choose the range when building farmland, but pay attention to soil fertility and avoid planting in areas with low fertility.

After construction, click on the interface that appears in the farmland. We can choose the crops we need in the crop type and set the planting, such as fallow once every 3 years, or crop rotation, etc.

The farmland priority below can adjust the importance of this piece of farmland among all farmlands through the up and down arrows. The higher the level, the higher the priority of care.

Forced delivery can interrupt this round of progress and forcibly deliver the crops in the current area regardless of whether they have really matured. If used improperly, it will lead to a large reduction in yield.

Crop processing:

At present, the three types of crops that can be produced by farmland need to be processed before they can be used by residents.


Wheat needs to be threshed in the farmhouse to become grain, then processed into flour through the windmill, and finally produced bread through the public furnace or the expansion building of the backyard of the castle choosing the bakery expansion.

The bakery technology in the backyard requires 2 technology points to unlock, the cost is very high, so it is best to use the public furnace directly.


Barley needs to be processed into malt in the malt factory, and then it can be processed into beer for supply to the tavern for consumption or export for money through the expansion building of the backyard of the castle choosing the brewery expansion.


Flax needs to be processed into linen in the textile workshop, and then it can be processed into clothing in the expansion building of the backyard of the castle choosing the tailor shop.

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