Manor Lords | Tips and Tricks for Beginners


The planning at the start of “Manor Lords” is very important for players.Below is some tips and tricks for beginners.

Manor Lords | Tips and Tricks for Beginners

How to make money

The most important thing: Berries

Berries are most commonly found in groups of 64, but groups of 128 can also appear. As long as they appear and are around the base, you basically don’t have to worry about food. The skill point on the left doubles the berries, more than 200 a year, and they will recover in spring, summer, and autumn, and more than 300 can be harvested in a year.

Small tip: Do not build a logging camp around the berries, otherwise excessive logging will affect the yield of berries.

Mining iron ore:

This is a development around the middle stage, it is best to have rich iron ore, you can click on the rich mineral skill below, which can be mined indefinitely.

Because iron ore can be made into iron cakes, the workshop can produce spears on its own, without import, saving a lot of resources. The military workshop can produce independently, but if there is no iron ore, it can only be imported. Don’t be like me, foolishly making spears for a year, only to find out that I don’t have iron.

Share some tips:

Don’t buy horses and cows at the livestock exchange, otherwise they will stay there all the time.

Whether it’s bread, berries, or meat, you should have a bit of everything. Each type can improve public opinion.

Build more roads.

The goods traded in the trading post must be moved from the warehouse to the trading post before they can be traded.

Draw the market early. Houses far away from the market will receive bonuses a few days slower than those close by.

A villager should always be stationed in the granary, which can set up a stall.

Find a forest house early in the game, otherwise the trees will be cut down in the middle stage, and you can only move.

If public opinion is above 80%, basically build a house and get a person.

Cows are very important, take care of the cows.

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