Genshin Impact|4.6 Are Servants worth drawing|Alechino draws suggestions

Version 4.6 For new players who do not have c and have to miss the Dragon King, you can wait until the actual strength test of the servant, then consider drawing; The servant's weapon is bound to the servant's special effects, so the pursuit of appearance, the servant's dependence on the martial arts is higher than other characters. The other three characters (except xp), are not necessary to draw, can wait for later versions of the popular characters.



In the current version of numerical expansion or mechanism expansion, the strength of the servant is definitely not bad. It is also known from the forward broadcast that the mechanism of the servant is self-feeding like that of Navelette, but the wet nurse in the team cannot milk the servant and does not resist interruption, which means that under high pressure environment, the strength of the servant is not bad. The servant team is still just need shield assistance, strength compared to Navellette, can only say that it is not as good as the dragon King, this is really impossible, as for the full life after comparing the full life of Navellette, it is definitely more powerful than the dragon King, but the dragon King is not only strong in value, but also cost-effective, single 0 life dragon he has a certain resistance to interruption, but the absolute resistance to interruption is only in one life. However, the cost of a life is not high, after all, it is hard to say that the full life role, many old five-star full life injury speed and second injury is not worse than the dragon King, even stronger.

Extraction suggestions: xp party and Krypton guys smoke, civilian strength party can be extracted or skipped



In these versions we also see the intensity, hard to say Linny poor, his outbreak is not low, hard to say strong, in the current version of this numerical expansion, it is ordinary, belongs to the standard in this version of the limit of five intensity, coupled with a little tied to the pure fire, so that in the abyss belongs to the column of good target

Extraction suggestion: xp party blow, civilian intensity party skip



The big world experience is really good, the depth of the abyss is general, want to c up in the team, Fa Lu Shan is just needed (full life is the best), otherwise in essence, the skirmish is more like a driver of the team, and want to play good skirmish, output techniques, double dyeing (double dyeing to see whether there are two kinds of elements that can be dyed on the field) This is going to be, In practice, it is also difficult

Extraction Suggestions: xp Party and Large World Exploration players can extract, civilian strength party skipped

Atractylodes rhizome:

Battle technology group milk, outbreak to the shield, is indeed very perfect, and white Wanfu is indeed a very good performance in the recent abyss, but in fact, white art mainly serves the explosion of the elements of Fu Fu, let the explosion of the elements of Fu Fu to increase the injury of Navellette, as for the white art shield, very thin, and can not let the 0 life of Navellette very comfortable output, this has played the 0 life of the dragon king of White Wanfu is absolutely deep experience, Therefore, in essence, white art does not serve Navilette, so that in fact, the position of white art is changed to Charlotte's effect is not bad, the strength of the role itself is also general, after all, do not eat the martial arts, do not eat the life seat, smoke does not lose, do not smoke does not lose.

Extraction suggestion: xp party blow, civilian intensity party skip

After all, the servant is a new role, the actual effect or to wait for the actual, whether it is the actual team or go to the genre is the best, now a head of the brain to measure the data, not necessarily useful, as for the situation of the card pool, the four-star role is unknown, but the four-star time no matter how fragrant, pad more than 60 players, In the case that you do not want to draw five stars, please control your hand, do not force.

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