Dream Therapy clinic simulator "chest" released

Indie game developer jiangli has announced that chest, a new simulation game he co-developed with GooodMon, will be available on PC Steam, supporting multiple languages including traditional Chinese.

Dream Therapy clinic simulator

"Not dreaming" may not be very important for modern people, because over-indulging in dreams may affect real life, but if you lose the ability to dream is not very poor? chest is a dream-themed, first-person 3D walking simulation game where players stay in a healing facility called chest, surrounded by white tiles, with the goal of curing strange diseases that don't dream.

Dream Therapy clinic simulator
Dream Therapy clinic simulator
Dream Therapy clinic simulator
From the store screenshot and description, it can be seen that there are two kinds of red and blue pills in the game, players begin to "dream" after taking the pill, explore the mysterious space of "chest", enjoy the afternoon sun, can also go to the swimming pool to listen to the sound of running water, in addition to seeing other buildings, mysterious women and not sure whether it is Ufos. It also implies that someone seems to be monitoring the protagonist's dreams, and if you are interested in this wonderful space, you may wish to join the wish list.

Dream Therapy clinic simulator
Dream Therapy clinic simulator
Dream Therapy clinic simulator
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