Persona 5 The Phantom X | Shop Bouquet Guide


In Persona 5 The Phantom X, players often need to choose suitable flowers for customers when working at the flower shop. Many friends may not be very clear about the meaning of these flowers. Here we bring you the answers to the flower shop work questions in Persona 5 The Phantom X, hoping to help everyone.

Persona 5 The Phantom X | Shop Bouquet Guide

Flowers to express love - Scarlet Rose, Care-Nation, Adoration Orchid

Red Flowers - Scarlet Rose, Care-Nation, Gecko Orchid

Thank-You Flowers - The Sweetest of Peas, Rainbow Sage, Gecko Orchid

Celebration Bouquet - Scarlet Rose, Care-Nation, Venerable Chrysanthemum

Small Flowers with Soft Colors - Justice Jasmine, Adoration Orchid, Fluorescent Freesia

Big Flowers with Little Scent - Gold Gerbera, Venerable Chrysanthemum, Fluorescent Freesia

Bright, Pungent Flowers - Scarlet Rose, The Sweetest of Peas, Stinking Olive

Flashy and Exciting Flowers - Scarlet Rose, Gold Gerbera, Gecko Orchid, Venerable Chrysanthemum

Flowers for Friend's Childbirth - Rainbow Sage, Delightful Lily, Gold Gerbera

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