How to quickly obtain clay in No Rest for the Wicked


How to quickly obtain clay in No Rest for the Wicked? Here we bring you a method of quickly farming clay in No Rest for the Wicked, hoping it can help everyone.

As shown in the picture, there are two piles of soil here directly.

How to quickly obtain clay in No Rest for the Wicked

Location: The seaside at the bottom layer of the Orban Swamp.

How to quickly obtain clay in No Rest for the Wicked


First, run here to confirm that there are two piles of soil in your world that have not been dug.

Exit the game to the menu.

Exit the game.

Enter the game, continue.

Exit to the menu again.

Click on the kingdom, check if there is a save file with the latest time. For example, if I post at 03:02, then I will go to the kingdom to see if there is a save file at this time, if there is, you can start farming.

After digging, exit directly to the menu, then enter the save file at this time point from the kingdom, and repeat this to farm.

This method can also be applied to farm pus blood (used to upgrade backpack slots), farm boss gold weapons.

Similarly, other materials can also be farmed in this way.

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