No Rest for the Wicked | How to Make Money Quick


How to make money in No Rest for the Wicked? Here we bring you a method of making money as an alchemist in No Rest for the Wicked, hoping it can help everyone.

No Rest for the Wicked | How to Make Money Quick

How to make money in No Rest for the Wicked?

Buy the blueprint for the Resilience Potion from the alchemy teacher, which is the black one. No materials are needed for production, just max it out to 99 and then sell it.

For the beginner level, a set of 20 bottles is 40 copper.

For the intermediate level, a set of 20 bottles is 1 silver.

I don’t know about the advanced level as I haven’t upgraded yet.

You can make a gold coin in a minute to buy a house.

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