Persona 5 The Phantom X | How to Play Game in English


Persona 5 The Phantom X has already been released. Unfortunately, this game is not available in English. However, we can use an auto-translator to assist us. I hope this helps you.

Persona 5 The Phantom X | How to Play Game in English

How to play Persona 5 The Phantom X in English

You need to download Persona 5 The Phantom X from a Taiwanese or Korean website.

Join the Persona 5 The Phantom X Discord.

Click on the “mod-development” section in the Persona 5 The Phantom X Discord, find your server and you will see a file named “Autotranslator”. Download this file.

Once you have downloaded it, click on this file on your PC, then copy this file to where your P5X is saved. The path like this: P5X–>client–>PC.

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