Fallout Shelter: How to Merge Rooms

In Fallout Shelter, merging rooms is a straightforward process that allows you to expand your Vault's capacity and improve its organization. Here's how to merge rooms in Fallout Shelter:

1. Build Two Rooms of the Same Type: To merge rooms, you need to construct two rooms of the same type adjacent to each other horizontally. This can be done by selecting the desired room type from the build menu and placing it next to an existing room of the same type.

2. Ensure Both Rooms Are on the Same Level: For the rooms to merge successfully, they must be at the same upgrade level. If one room is at a higher level than the other, you'll need to upgrade the lower-level room to match. Use the "Upgrade" button to level up the room as needed.

3. Automatic Merging: Once the two rooms are aligned horizontally and are at the same upgrade level, they will automatically merge into a double-sized room. This effectively doubles the space available for assigning Dwellers to work in that facility.

4. Expanding Double Rooms: If you wish to further expand your double-sized rooms, simply build another room of the same type on either side of the double-sized room. This will transform the double room into a triple room, increasing its capacity even further.

5. Capacity Increase: Each level of room expansion can accommodate more Dwellers than the last:

   - Single rooms can hold two Dwellers.
   - Double rooms can hold four Dwellers.
   - Triple rooms can hold six Dwellers.

6. Optimize Room Placement: To maximize efficiency and organization, consider placing rooms of the same type adjacent to each other. This layout allows for the creation of multiple triple rooms on each level, making it easier to manage your Vault and improve its aesthetics.

By following these steps, you can efficiently merge rooms in Fallout Shelter to expand your Vault's capabilities and create an organized and functional living space for your Dwellers. Experiment with different layouts to find the arrangement that works best for your Vault management needs.
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