How to beat the Blade Twin in Rise of the Ronin

Here are some tips to help you conquer the first major confrontation in the game.

In Rise of the Ronin, each mission you complete leads to a new confrontation. The first challenging encounter pits you against your Blade Twin.

Combat lies at the heart of Rise of the Ronin, and mastering the game's weapon and combat style systems is key to success. Regardless of the boss's difficulty, you can prevail by applying the basic concepts introduced during the early missions of the game.

However, there are fights where effectively using your tools becomes more challenging. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to defeat the Blade Twin boss in Rise of the Ronin.

How to beat the Blade Twin in Rise of the Ronin

Please note that this guide may contain minor spoilers. When preparing for this fight, consider leveling up your character and unlocking the best available skills.

Rise of the Ronin Blade Twin Boss Fight Explained

The fight against the Blade Twin serves as the final confrontation in The Plot to Assassinate Harris mission. At the initial menu screen, you can choose two allies to accompany you. At this point in the game, you may not have unlocked many allies, but we recommend bringing Genzui Kusaka. He utilizes a Combat Style of the Chi type, which will aid you. The second ally choice is up to your preferences.

The arena where you confront the boss is a small room, limiting your mobility and forcing you to continuously deal with their attacks. To make your life easier, consider swapping characters during the fight. This strategy allows you to divert the boss's attention from one character to another, giving you time to heal.

The Blade Twin's attacks are relentless, featuring fast sequences and gap-closers that test your reflexes. Among their moves, they employ a feint that can deceive you initially. They charge toward you and then veer to your left when close, making it challenging to predict. Blocking their attacks and creating distance is the safest approach.

How to beat the Blade Twin in Rise of the Ronin
They can also execute an area-of-effect attack by spinning their arm around them. With practice, you can time your blocks or deflects to counter this move effectively.

Now, onto their most perilous attacks. Early in the fight, watch out for two specific maneuvers. They may initiate an aerial grappling hook attack that is deflectable but requires precise timing. As they descend, look for the red light indicator to attempt deflecting the attack.

How to beat the Blade Twin in Rise of the Ronin
Another attack involves the Blade Twin charging their grappling hook before launching it at you. The animation is swift, making it difficult to dodge. Blocking is your best defense, followed by retreating to heal if necessary.

As the battle progresses, the Blade Twin may switch between different types of weapons, alternating between a katana and a saber. Adjust your strategy accordingly: for the katana, Chi-type characters or combat styles are effective, while Jin combat styles are preferable against the saber.

Later in the fight, the Blade Twin may introduce a new attack: a close-range grab followed by an arm cannon blast. Dodging this attack is tricky, so be prepared to deflect or heal once the animation concludes.
How to beat the Blade Twin in Rise of the Ronin

With these strategies in mind, you'll be well-equipped to face other bosses in Rise of the Ronin. Good luck!

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