"Single-player Action Game 'The Rising of Luoyang' on UE5: Steam Page and Demo Released Simultaneously"


Wind Rising in Luoyang is a single-player action game set in the Tang Dynasty Wuzhou period using UE5 as the game engine. Today, on March 13th, Wind Rising in Luoyang is now live on the Steam page, with a playable demo available for download. The demo includes 4 maps, 3 boss battles, and offers an estimated playtime of 3-4 hours. The game features weapons such as Tang swords, Mo knives, and double axes. The release date is yet to be announced, but interested players can visit the store page by clicking here.

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Game Introduction:

Wind Rising in Luoyang takes place during the Wuzhou period of the Tang Dynasty and players assume the role of the Heaven's Mandate Officer to rid the city of Luoyang of evil cults, demons, and uphold peace.

Game Features:

A world of Tang Legends filled with monsters.

In an alternate Tang Dynasty world, humans coexist with monsters. The game offers different versions of historical figures' stories, blending with the fantastical imaginings and monsters found in Tang legend novels.

Fast-paced hardcore combat.

Joining the Heaven's Mandate, players wield Tang-style weapons such as Tang swords, Mo knives, double axes, engaging in fast-paced battles utilizing rich combinations to defeat demons and evil spirits.

The story behind the dragon's political turmoil.

In the year 704 AD, before the Dragon's political turmoil, the Tang Wuzhou Empire faced a crisis with the sudden rise of evil cults and demonic threats. How did these events affect the course of the Dragon's political turmoil?

Explore the ancient city of Luoyang during the Wuzhou period.

Players will traverse the streets of Luoyang during the Wuzhou period, exploring places like Liang Jing, the Ghost Market, the Great Temple dungeon, Dunhuang, and Ming Tang to find clues and resolve crises.

Game Screenshots:

[Insert screenshots here]

Expanded content:

The game promises a rich narrative inspired by Tang Dynasty history and folklore, combined with intense combat gameplay fitting for the era. Players can look forward to exploring a world where mythical creatures and historical figures intertwine, offering a unique gaming experience set against the backdrop of ancient China.

As players journey through the streets of Luoyang, they will encounter challenges that test their combat skills and decision-making abilities, all while uncovering the mysteries behind the supernatural threats plaguing the city. With a blend of historical accuracy and fantasy elements, Wind Rising in Luoyang aims to immerse players in a captivating and engaging adventure.


Please note that the English translations of the weapons and game title have been provided based on common conventions used in the gaming industry. Let me know if more information or modifications are needed.

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