Genshin Impact 4.6 Leaks the Setting of New Area Remuria


According to the news from the Genshin Impact insider on October 30, the new scene “Remuria Royal City” that may appear in the Mondstadt 4.6 version has been exposed.

Genshin Impact 4.6 Leaks the Setting of New Area Remuria

[Research on Genshin Impact Remuria Royal City]

Remuria Royal City has been mentioned in both the books and plots of the game,

Genshin Impact 4.6 Leaks the Setting of New Area Remuria

The story starts from the “History of Remuria’s Decline” that can be bought from the Mondstadt newspaper stand.

The title of this book obviously refers to “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” written by Edward Gibbon. Its content is about the history of the ancient civilization of the Mondstadt region before the Demon War - the “Golden Country” Remuria civilization. This ancient civilization was first mentioned in the story of Fischl’s exclusive weapon “Nocturnal Waltz”:

Genshin Impact 4.6 Leaks the Setting of New Area Remuria

The Reman Republic here is the Roman Republic in parallel time and space, and the establishment of the Roman Republic can be traced back to the legendary twins Romulus and Remus who were raised by wolves, which is what is said in the game text. The “Wolf Twins”.

In reality, the wolf twins fought each other, Romulus killed Remus, and named their established city after his own name, which later became Rome.

But in Teyvat, “the branch where the Rama (Rome) Republic is located on the tree of time is cut off”, “make way for another person’s territory among the wolf twins”, that is to say, another person who died among the wolf twins - The territory established by Remus replaced Romulus’s Rome. This is Remuria named after Remus (Remus).

However, there is another prototype for Remuria civilization, that is Lemuria, a hypothetical continent located in the Indian Ocean similar to Atlantis in the Atlantic. This concept originated from the era when land bridge hypothesis was prevalent. In order to explain why South India and Madagascar in Africa have the same type of lemur, zoologists speculated that there should have been a sunken continent on the Indian Ocean in the past.

After plate tectonics came into being, this hypothesis was quickly thrown into the trash can of history, but it was absorbed by many mystical works and became synonymous with lost super ancient civilizations together with Atlantis and Mu continent in the Pacific.

And in reality, most of the Indian Ocean area where Lemuria Continent is located used to be within France’s sphere of influence. The French colonial empire established colonies such as Mauritius, Comoros, Seychelles here. Until now, France still retains three overseas territories here: Reunion , Mayotte and French Indian Ocean Islands. This is also why Remuria was chosen as an ancient civilization in Mondstadt.

Genshin Impact 4.6 Leaks the Setting of New Area Remuria

The part of Remuria described in “The Decline History of Remuria” should refer to rumors recorded in “History of Philip II” by Theopompus of Chios, an ancient Greek writer:

Europe, Asia and Libya are all islands, Okeanos [Ocean] flows around these three islands, only outside this world surrounded by Okeanos is a continent. The continent is infinitely large, inhabited by many huge creatures, and humans living there are twice as large as people in this world and live twice as long. …… On a continent opposite it lives a tribe called Meropis people. They built many wide cities to live… There are two largest cities with different shapes. One is called “Warrior Country” (Machimos), and one is called “Pious Country” (Eusebes).

Legend has it that King God Remus descended on Meropis (Μεροπίς,Meropis), a place name in ancient Greek.

Genshin Impact 4.6 Leaks the Setting of New Area Remuria

And after experiencing adventures at Abyss Palace, we know that Teyvat world was originally under a unified culture. This is an eternal civilization during First Throne era. The language used by this civilization is Ancient Greek.

Genshin Impact 4.6 Leaks the Setting of New Area Remuria

Therefore, Meropis’s name implies that it should be one of oldest civilizations within Mondstadt territory and part of unified civilization during First Throne era. Its prototype is Meropis (Μεροπίς,Meropis), a continent outside world mentioned in “History of Philip II”. And Teyvat’s initial unified civilization was indeed created by foreign First Throne.

Genshin Impact 4.6 Leaks the Setting of New Area Remuria

The city of warriors Machimos (Machimos) in Remuria is Machimos (Μάχιμος,Machimos), one of two major cities mentioned in “History of Philip II”.

Its capital “Golden Imperial City” Capitolium originally referred to Roman temple dedicated to Capitoline Triad (Jupiter, Juno and Minerva). Its location Capitolinus mons was an important religious and political center at beginning of Rome’s founding. Romans believed that Capitoline Temple was indestructible and regarded it as symbol of eternity.

Genshin Impact 4.6 Leaks the Setting of New Area Remuria

In order to guide people of Remuria, King God Remus chose four powerful people to co-govern Remuria with him. This refers to Four Emperors (Tetrarchy) in Roman history.

Just like in history, Four Emperors could not save declining Rome, nor could they save Remuria. When Remuria tried to seize power of gods, it was destroyed by heaven as expected.

Genshin Impact 4.6 Leaks the Setting of New Area Remuria

And this civilization’s proud self-proclaimed “gold” reminds people of a narrative poem with unknown language that is circulated in Mondstadt -

Genshin Impact 4.6 Leaks the Setting of New Area Remuria

A long time ago, people speculated that this poem depicts four lost civilizations of Teyvat. Now it seems that “gold” probably corresponds to Remuria civilization in Mondstadt, and “black sun” naturally refers to Khaenri’ah, “pearl” corresponds to Abyss Palace-Sea Island, and “white silk” is probably under Nata or Winter.

After Remuria was destroyed, the former water god Egeria built a new city-state “Mondstadt” on its ruins. Her name comes from the queen Egeria of the second Roman king Numa Pompilius in legend. This is the new beginning of the country of justice “Mondstadt”, and the name of the new generation of water god Furina also comes from the ancient Roman spring goddess Fūrrīna.

In reality, after collapse of Western Roman Empire, Franks from north took over Gaul area of Rome and established Merovingian dynasty. Its western half is predecessor of France (corresponding to current Mondstadt).

Genshin Impact 4.6 Leaks the Setting of New Area Remuria

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