All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact


There are 8 locations in total for collecting Crystalfly in Genshin Impact, and you can collect about 30 in one go. See the detailed guide below, let’s take a look~

Location One:

Below the teleport point at [A Particularly Warm Place], after teleporting, there are 3 next to the fairy platform on the left.

All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact

All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact

Location Two:

First, come to the teleport point above Haemo Village, then go through the teleport gate to [A Lonely Place].

All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact

There are five locations, all in the bottle grass as shown in the picture. Note that each location has a chance of spawning Crystalfly, and on average you can harvest 4. If you’re unlucky, you might not get any.

All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact

Location Three:

Below the teleport point at Erynias. On the slope, there are 3 (one likes to hide in the grass!)

All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact

All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact

Location Four:

The underwater teleport point to the bottom right of Path of Hope. There are 4 in the small room with Woowoo Grapes ahead.

All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact

All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact

Location Five:

Back to the underwater teleport point to the bottom right of Path of Hope.

In the broken ruins behind, there are 4.

All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact

Location Six:

There are 3 at Pale Legacy.

All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact

Location Seven:

At the teleport point on the left side of the entire Fontaine grassland. After teleporting, there are 3 in the nearby grass.

All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact

Location Eight:

The underwater teleport point at Taratata Valley. After teleporting, there are 6 in the cave on the right.

All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact

All Crystalfly Locations in Genshin Impact

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