Furina Artifact Guide in Genshin Impact


Recommended Artifacts for Hydro Archon Funea in Genshin Impact include a 4-piece set of Shadow Chaser, a 4-piece set of Golden Theater, or a 2+2 Life Set to stack HP.

Furina Artifact Guide in Genshin Impact

Shadow Chaser 4-piece set

Furina Artifact Guide in Genshin Impact

The Shadow Chaser set can be used by Funea when she is the main character in the front line. The 4-piece set can increase the critical rate by up to 36%.

The Shadow Chaser set provides a lot of critical rate. When equipping this set, try to find artifacts with critical damage as sub-stats.

The mechanism of increasing critical rate with changes in HP is very suitable for Funea.

Golden Theater 4-piece set

Furina Artifact Guide in Genshin Impact

The Golden Theater 4-piece set can increase the damage dealt by Elemental Skills by up to 70%, which is a high value and suitable for Funea when she is a secondary character.

2+2 Life Set

Since Funea’s stats are tied to her maximum HP, you can use a 2-piece set that increases HP and pair it with another 2-piece set. This way, you can form your artifact set relatively quickly.

Choice of Artifact Stats for Funea

Main stats for artifacts could be Crit Damage/Crit Rate for the headpiece, HP for the sands, and Hydro DMG Bonus/HP for the goblet.

Sub-stats should focus on Crit Rate, Crit Damage, and HP.


Genshin Impact Furina Team Composition Guide

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